Reading Tai-Bo

Reading Tai-Bo

Ahhh the glories of reading! The Hunky Hubby recently attended “Game Storm!!!” a board gamers conference in Oregon and now Camas Con!!! has come and gone. What does that mean? You guessed it. The successful negotiation of a glorious reading day for myself. Now to give him credit, the hunky hubby has told me many times that if I need a break to just ask. That I do not have to wait until he indulges in a weekend of gaming and snack food to justify a time of reading for myself. Nonetheless I find it difficult to make this happen until after I have  spent some single parent time with the three cyclones doing school, painting the dinning room, cleaning up pools of glue and soggy licorice… But the time had come and so did my reading day.

I downloaded a bran new book, 24 hours after the release day on my NOOK and off to the bagel shop I went. Of course our shocks are just a bit shot and in my haste I got clear up to 15 MPH and bounded over a bump and into the ditch. But I jogged nearly a mile home, the hunky hubby pulled our car out of the ditch, and then off to the bagel shop for a glorious day of reading and nibbling upon fine bagels and flavored cream cheese.

What did I learn from my reading this week? That a good book is true ambrosia, the food of the gods. And that no matter how well crafted and no matter how many characters you love are about to be overwhelmed by a flood of red court vampires pouring forth from the jungles of the Yucatan, that one who is bound to teach kindergarten to her young son the next day should never ever stay up until 2:00am finishing a book. NEVER!


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

2 thoughts on “Reading Tai-Bo

  • mamagriffith

    I am reading count of monte cristo and I love it!! its hard to put it down at night even though I know there is no way I can finish all 1200 pages in a day.

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