Discussion Questions for The Volk Advent

Discussion Questions for The Volk Advent

  1. What was unjust about the situation that Faina found herself in?
  2. How did Faina serve God within something she didn’t understand?
  3. Can you follow and serve God when you don’t understand what is going on?
  4. You may never have been chases by wolves, but have you ever found yourself in peril?
  5. Have you ever seen God at work in the middle of a scary situation?
  6. How did Liev unknowingly wound Faina when they were children?
  7. Can you think of a situation where you have unknowingly wounded another?
  8. Does God quit working wonders when we mess everything up?
  9. How does God work wonders out of heartache in Faina’s story?
  10. Have you ever seen God preform such a miracle? Have you ever seen Him bring beauty out of the ashes of something terrible?