Breaking News

Breaking News for Sweet Boy#3

When I pray with my boys at night I make many requests. For their obedience and my patience and wisdom. I pray for spiders and toys and hurt feelings and fevers. And when I pray with my youngest, I pray that he would choose God. He is only four, but the roots of faith can start when we are small, can grow with time into a mighty tree. I have mentioned it from time to time and he usually laughs and bounces on his bed and shouts out: “I don’t want to be God’s boy! Ha ha.” Which I understand, but still it upsets his brothers to no end.

This week though, I sang him Amazing Grace at bedtime. “What’s Grace Momma?” I tried to explain and in doing so mentioned God rescuing us when we didn’t deserve it. He seemed interested and so I asked him, “Do you want to pray to become God’s boy?” Yes he did!

So how does a fierce little four-year-old soul approach the throne of Heaven?

Me: “Have you ever done bad things sweetheart?”

Sweet Boy#3: “Yeah, I punched my brothers in the stomach.”

Me: “Do you think that God send Jesus to rescue you, to take the consequence God had for you and let you come into Heaven and be His boy.”

Sweet Boy#3–“Yep.”

And he prayed my wonderful little boy, He confessed his punching ways and asked Jesus to take on Himself the consequences from God so that he could become God’s boy. So crazy and beautiful and there on his bunk the journey of faith is begun. Lord grow him. Grow him up into a boy who chooses you and a man who chooses you, all the days of his life.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

6,096 thoughts on “Breaking News for Sweet Boy#3

  • Grandma Judy

    WAHOO!!! What a wonderful, delightful and grand thing to read on your blog today. The beginning of the journey of a lifetime. Who knows what adventures God has in store for His little warrior.

    Love to you.

  • Liz Dewsnap

    YAY!!! What a wonderful day!

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