Boy Quotes

Boy Quotes

Sweet Boy#2—“We watched until the Death Star exploded and the words came!” The Hunky Hubby let them see selected portions of Star Wars and they finally reached the end…when the words came.

Sweet Boy#2—“I’m fuller than Daddy.”

Sweet Boy#1—“Your tummy is bigger than Daddy’s?”

Sweet Boy#2—“My tummy goes up to my neck.”

Sweet Boy#3—“My tummy goes up to my neck.”

Sweet Boy#2—“My tummy goes past my neck.”

Sweet Boy#3—“My tummy goes past my neck.”

Sweet Boy#2—“My tummy goes to my mouth.”

Sweet Boy#3—“My tummy goes to my mouth.”

You just can’t win in this family.

Sweet Boy#2 was looking at a cluster of three pieces of pizza on the pizza plate trying to decide which one to take. –“I was the second boy in Momma’s tummy, so I picked the middle one.” It’s hard to argue with that kind of flawless logic!


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

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