Boy Quotes

Boy Quotes


In an attempt to spend time together during the busy camping season, the boys, princess Leia, and I accompanied The Hunky Hubby on his camp shopping trip to Wenatchee. He dropped us off at the park and then went to Costco. We traveled back and forth and forth and back between the toys and the river where they could cool their toes and nibble on some yummy berries. When he finally finished shopping, many hours later, The Hunky Hubby brought a pizza and Teddy’s soda. The boys were very impressed, and although a good quantity of soda sprayed all over (it was shaken up on the way) drenching us, it was wonderful to see a bit more of The Hunky Hubby.

Sweet Boy#3–“I love Old Fashioned cream soda. Why did they even make New Fashioned?”




I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

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