Writing News

Writing News

A writer friend and I went to the Northwest Christian Writer’s Renewal last weekend. It conflicted with my blogging day, so that is my excuse for such sporadic blog posts this week. We had a great time! Got to listen to Brandilyn Collins lecture on suspense writing and pitch our stories to editors and agents. I pitched to 2 different editors. One said that if I made my protagonist older she would look at a proposal. Her house doesn’t do YA. The other editor asked me to send him a proposal. A short synopsis and 3-5 sample chapters! Wahoooo!

I had my most relaxed, enjoyable conference experience  yet. Not including watching “Wolverine” with my lovely sister last year of course. I pitched better than ever and didn’t burst into spasms or fall on my knees clutching at the editor begging him to “please please buy my manuscript” or anything.

The reason for my cool head and suave pitching…I think I’ve given up. I have come to the point where I accept the fact that this story, which I toiled at for 5+ years, may well never see publication. And I’m ok with that…finally. I’m working on a new story, a better story, and my heart can at last stand a little rejection.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

One thought on “Writing News

  • Grandma Judy

    I believe that you are going to sell this story and it will be the beginning of a long and illustrious career. I will be the ‘Mother of the Author’ making everyone sick with my constant references to my famous children and driving away all my friends with my bragging.

    Love to you.

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