Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment Of The Week

This week…

Sweet Boy #1–Poured cran-raspberry juice into the hunky hubby’s tub of red licorice, and failed to mention it to anyone. That was an exciting discovery a day later!

Sweet Boy #1–While I was in the restroom, he took it upon himself to refill all of the cups of orange juice upon the table, and the plates as well.

Sweet Boy #2 and #3–Dumped their freshly filled plates of orange juice onto the table top, wherein all 3 proceeded to slurp their juice off of the table with boyish delight…until their mother came out of the bathroom!

Sweet Boy #1–Snuck out of his bed at night in order to…clip his fingernails.

All 3 Boys–Dumped the hunky hubbies tub of licorice into the middle of the living room floor and ran about “Space Odyssey 2001” style screaming and throwing the pieces of licorice into the air. This was before the juice incident.

Sweet Boy #1–Caught sitting inside the top drawer of my dresser sifting through the house fairy prizes.

Sweet Boy #1–Squirted about 1/2 of a bottle of sweet honey mustard upon Sweet Boy #2’s back.

Sweet Boy #1–Told me that he could not complete his math page due to exhaust inhalation. I had once told them not to stand behind the car breathing in the exhaust because it could hurt their little brains and make it harder for them to do school. What on earth was I thinking? I should have just told him he would grow a third nostril or something.

Sweet Boy #2–Dumped a puddle of wood glue onto the carpet in their bedroom.

But the scariest one this week:

Sweet Boy #3–Trips on Grammy’s hearth and catches himself with both palms on her hot wood burning stove. We treated more than one blister from that one. Ouch!

The weird thing is, if you had asked me how this week went I might have remembered one of these incidents. So I would have said “Busy but good. Normal crazy.” The only reason I recalled them is because  I wrote them down. I think the Lord gave us somewhat faulty memories for a reason.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

3 thoughts on “The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment Of The Week

  • Grandma Judy

    Yep, the ‘Mom Memory’ is Scriptural,

    Jn. 16:21 “A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.”

    I think that principle carries on way past child birth and on into the raising and nurturing. We remember those good things and the hard things tend to fade. It is a wonderful thing I think.

    Then, of course, comes the ‘menopausal memory’ and then who knows what will happen to the memory. We won’t go there 🙂

    Love to you.

  • Ah the logic… Cory is developing that already and it scares me! 😉

    My brother fell into our wood stove when he was little, but he caught it with his face. It actually cauterized a gouge in his cheek and my mom was afraid it would scar permanently and be noticeable when he grew a beard… but thankfully it’s not!

    Oh, and slurping OJ off the table reminds me of a time at camp when I think it was I who spilled a can of Mountain Dew on the table and then Indy proceeded to climb on the table and wipe it up with his shirt… while he was still wearing said shirt! 😉 Are you going to his wedding this summer?

  • Wow! That brings back memories. But I guess I’m not invited, hadn’t heard about it. So sad. Not that weddings are really feasable in the middle of summer with three small boys in tow.

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