Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

Sweet Boy#3–Put baby carrots in the dog water. I asked him to clean them out and put them in the garbage. He gathered up the carrots and looked up at me from where he stood, standing over the paper garbage. “Do carrots burn?”

The boys left the sink on, running down our water. The Hunky Hubby gathered them around him for a stern lecture concerning waste of resources and the cost thereof. To which our youngest responded with some wild leaping and a loudly shouted: “No more money, jumping on the bed!” I think he got the message…right?

The winner this week…
We went over to a camp event in which the Hunky Hubby was speaking and greatly involved. It required us bringing our 3 children to a non-home location for breakfast, always difficult when you have hungry little ones. But even before we left the house, one of our boys was hunched over in pain. Terrible stomach cramps had crippled him just before we had to buckle into the car. Not faking, I can tell. The Hunky Hubby had experienced a similar malady in the days of his youth and so we carried our poor crying boy to the car, made him unfold enough to buckle and drove off to our event with a teabag in hand that might aid him, if we could locate some hot water. I carried him into the church building, located the childcare area, and made a camp counselor carry a comfy chair downstairs for him. He was still bunched over in pain as I stumbled about trying to get childcare set up and locate some hot water. Finally I got his tea made and had him sipping happily in his puffy chair. About an hour later he was feeling better, crediting the tea as the cure. However, this particular tea had a certain stool loosening affect. Which sent us rushing several times to “almost” make it to the bathroom. We finished up the event (a grand success) and got our family back to our friends house to pack for the ride home. My youngest was poopy, my sick little guy had another unsuccessful rush to the bathroom, and my other boy became slightly distracted in the bathroom with terrible results. If our hosts are reading…I want you to know that I washed those towels out very carefully and set them by the sink. While all of this was occurring, the car was being packed and since we were sure that we were almost ready to head out…the radio was on. Finally two hours later, all boys were packed and pottied and…the car wouldn’t start. An exciting day indeed, culminating in The Hunky Hubby rolling our car down a hill to slip the clutch and get the car running. And after a 2.5 hour drive we are finally and at last, home.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

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