Boy Quotes

Boy Quotes

Sweet Boy#3–“If I do this, everything explodes insept for us.”–Slowly he raises a hormonica to his lips, pauses dramatically and then makes the destructive blast of music that saves their lives…but destroys the whole world in the process.

Sweet Boy#1–Shows his friend the pictures that he drew that are up in the Hunky Hubby’s office. Then he explains–“When I was younger, some of the things I did didn’t make sense, espicially those exclamation points after “Tree Monster”.” –What 8-year-old apologizes to his 8-year-old friends about the punctuational errors of his youth? My 8-year-old, that’s who. Gotta love that boy.

Sweet Boy#3–I give the boys a bowl of orange slices–My four-year-old exclaims: “We’re eating monster bones!” Before tucking into the snack.

Sweet Boy#3–Hears the dog on the stairs, but is missing his brothers who are at school–“What were those foot step things? Were those my brothers?”

Sweet Boy#2–“If you have electricity in you, you can make a sound that sounds like a kitty purr.”

Sweet Boy#2–“My clothes were wet from snow, so I decided to wear a bag.” Therefore I find him clothed in a WalMart bag, yep just a WalMart bag.



I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

One thought on “Boy Quotes

  • Grandma Judy

    Thank you for handing me a smile and some cheer for the day with your ‘boy quotes’.

    Love to you.

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